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Alaska MCLE

Review up-to-date Alaska CLE requirements, and select bundles or courses to achieve your Alaska CLE compliance easily.

Top Alaska MCLE Questions


How many CLE hours are required?

Twelve CLE credit hours every year.

How many CLE hours can I take through Attorney Credits?

All 12 credit hours. To see a list of CLE courses offered in Alaska.

How do Attorney Credits' CLE courses qualify for credit in Alaska?

CLE programs that take place outside of Alaska are not required to be accredited by the Alaska Bar Association. Alaska Bar members may claim credit for attendance at CLE programs offered in or from other jurisdictions if the program has been accredited by another CLE jurisdiction. Since Attorney Credits' CLE courses have been approved by over 45 states, Alaska attorneys may claim CLE credit for our courses.

What are my CLE compliance and reporting requirements?

Reporting Cycle: Annual
Compliance Deadline: December 31
Reporting Deadline: February 1

Can I carry hours forward to the next year?

Yes, 12 credit hours may be carried over to the next compliance period. To be carried forward, the credits must have been earned during the calendar year preceding the current reporting period.

Does Attorney Credits verify my completion?

No. Alaska attorneys monitor their own progress and verify their own completion once the course has been completed.

Does Attorney Credits report my CLE hours to the Alaska Bar Association?

No. Attorney Credits does not report your completed courses to the Alaska Bar Association. Alaska attorneys are required to self-report their hours. We do maintain a record of all your completed courses and you can access your certificates of completion at anytime from our website.

How do I report the completion of my CLE requirement at the end of my compliance period?

Alaska bar members must self-report their CLE through the Alaska Bar website at https://alaskabar.org/members. Once logged on to your dashboard, click "Submit Report". Use the drop down boxes to report and check the box certifying the information is accurate and click on "Submit Report".

Who do I contact for more information?

For more information about CLE in Alaska, please call the Alaska Bar Association at (907) 272-7469 or visit the Alaska State Bar website: https://alaskabar.org/member-services/member-login.

You may also contact Attorney Credits by phone. For further assistance and information about the Alaska CLE requirement, please call our Support Center at (760) 434-1885.

Alaska State Bar CLE Requirement Info

State Requirements

Total MCLE Credits Required: 12
Total Online Credits Allowed: 12

Specialty Requirements

Legal Ethics - Minimum Credit Hours Per Cycle: 3

Compliance Requirements

Reporting Cycle: 1 year
Compliance Deadline: December 31
Reporting Deadline: February 1


Alaska State Bar MCLE Info

Using AttorneyCredits.com, you can conveniently complete your entire Alaska CLE courses at any time of the day or night to fulfill your AK CLE (Continuing Legal Education) requirement.

According to Alaska Bar Rules, attorneys must complete at least 12 hours of CLE each year by December 31. Of these 12, at least 3 must be in ethics credits hours. This new rule takes effect for the December 31, 2025 compliance deadline. If an Alaska attorney does not comply with the Alaska Bar Association CLE Rules by completing at least 12 hours of Alaska CLE, the non-completion of CLE may be utilized in any Alaska Bar disciplinary matter relating to the requirements of Alaska Rule of Professional Conduct 1.1 concerning an Alaska attorney's competence to practice law. Attorneys may complete all 12 CLE units through online CLE courses to meet the Alaska CLE requirement.